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  • Edition

Nicole L'Huillier



  • Nicole L'Huillier






Elastic membrane microphones made of silicone and piezoelectric sensors, electronics

Edition of 3

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Ambiguity, belonging, and codes of communication are fundamental to the work of Nicole L’Huillier. She developed a system comprised of rectangular listening membranal apparatuses.

Cuchicheos are square membranes: Each one is a loudspeaker that gently diffuses the sound. In its receiver function the apparatuses respond to sounds, activating a sound system based on the reciprocal relationship of transmitting and receiving.

A membrane is a porous structure that is elastic in its essence and like the skin, a threshold that mediates and permeates continuity. It has the condition of being inner and outer at the same time, and is conceptually and physically a body of dualisms and multiplicities. A resonant membrane has the capacity of receiving vibrations as well as producing and transferring them. A membrane can receive as well as transmit sounds. The membranal apparatuses produce and receive vibrations, separate and connect.

With her work, L’Huillier challenges our understanding of belonging by disrupting the threshold of what once was and what may become – a physical and theoretical place of reconfigurations.